How much, as a taxpayer are you willing to pay for a politician's personal political agenda? How many political games in our town are being played at our expense?
When a select few co-opt the political process for a personal agenda, the effect is felt by the taxpayers - not the politicians who push these agendas and the lawsuits that will surely ensue. The only loser is us, the people who have to pay all those bills.
The costs of lawsuits for taxpayers can be significant when lawsuits are filed against public schools. In some cases, the school district may be required to pay damages to the plaintiff, as well as the plaintiff's attorney's fees. In addition, the school district may incur its own legal fees in defending the lawsuit.
In my career, I have seen these lawsuits over, and over, and over which is one reason we pay so much in school taxes. Insurance covers some, but when districts lose these lawsuits (and trust me they generally do), it's the taxpayers who are on the hook, not to mention the increased cost of insuring the school district. When the damages of their actions come with the bill, the people who created the mess are NEVER held accountable. They simply move on to their next political conquest and leave the school board, leaving the taxpayers stuck with the bill.
You see, it can take 3, 5 even 7 years for a lawsuit to go through the system. The average board member serves a 3-year term, and they are protected by the taxpayers via insurance bonds. Some care little about the impact of their actions and retaliate at will against anyone who gets in their way. It becomes a non-stop cycle of destruction and it has to stop! The electorate needs to stand up to this type of nonsense. We need to vote against those who would participate in these political agendas.
Some candidates claim good intentions and will outright mislead the voters about what they are up to. They may have personal agendas and vendettas that they are more than happy to have you bankroll. Stop them before it gets out of hand! Please stand up before it's too late, vote for me so we can bring sanity back to the process, and hold people accountable through the due process established under policy and law, not political agendas.
Little Egg Harbor Schools is a bubble and has been able to avoid the high taxes that come with years of this type of abuse. That is ending, and it's going to hurt our most vulnerable, during probably the worst economy. Inflation was just announced at 8.4 percent, the highest in 40 years.